
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Kif tagħmel prinjolata

Biex tagħmel prinjolata għandek bżonn ‘sponge’, krema bajda, ċirasa, biċċiet taċ-ċikkulata, smarties u ‘millions and thousands’.

1. L-ewwel aqta l-‘isponge’ f’kaxxi.
2. Imbagħad ibni torri bl-isponge.
3. Meta tkun lesta tista’ tibda tiksi bil-krema bajda.
4. Fl-aħħar żejjen billi itfa t-toppings li trid: ‘millions and thousands’, ċirasa, lewż imfarak, ċikkulata u smarties.

Raisa Borg

Sunday, April 22, 2012

World's largest glass wine

Yesterday evening, Qormi has been written in the Guinness Book of World Records after the unveiling of the world's largest glass of wine.  This short video shows the emotional ceremony of the unveiling of the gigantic wine glass.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Black Beauty

This is part 1 of the film Black Beauty.  This is a beautiful story on the adventures a charming horse passes through.  The story is narrated by Black Beauty himself.

Drawing squares and rectangles with Pro-Bot

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Dan hu l-vidjo tal-ispecial assembly li għamilna fuq il-prinjolata.  Grazzi lill-mama' ta' Luke Mangion li gibditilna l-vidjo u għoġobha taqsmu magħna.

How to be a detective

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Measuring angles

Through this interactive exercise, you can revise measuring the angles with a protractor.


After Christian Falzon's mentioning of Archbishop Oscar Romero in class, today, some of you asked me to put the film 'Romero' on our blog.  Here it is.  This is the full movie.

As I told you in class, this is a powerful movie. Its main themes are the fighting for justice and love.  I think it's better to view this film with your parents or with a grown up so that s/he will be able to better explain what is happening.

Watching this film should help you to better understand what is like to live in a country run by a dictator and the sacrifice a large number of people are going through.  However it should also show you how there are still people working hard for a better world.  One of these people was Oscar Romero and a number of priests El Salvador, a small state in Central America.

Homework for 18.4.2012

SDM: p19
PB: p66,67
M.M. p114, Tħġ 1,2 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

Some days ago, Kaya had suggested I post this video.  It is an animated song on the Goldilocks story.  Here it is.  Better late, than never!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mikiel Anton Vassalli

Taf xejn min kien Mikiel Anton Vassalli?
Kien Malti bħalek li qatt ma ried iħalli
Lil martu f’idejn il-furbani,
lil artu f’idejn il-barrani,
għaliex kien Malti, tassew,
għaliex kien raġel, tassew,
għax kien iħobbhom, tassew.

Bil-lejl, bi nhar, jitħabat kien Vassalli,
Għax f’rasu kellu ħsieb li qatt ma jfalli,
jisbaħ jum illi l-Maltin,
ikunu ħielsa u magħqudin,
għal Malta isbaħ, tassew,
għal Malta ħielsa, tassew,
Malta Maltija, tassew.

Missirijietna qamu għal Vassalli,
għajjruh li kien ġakbin u kelli jħalli
l-art li ħabb u m’arfitux,
poplu lsier li fehmux,
għax kien imdawwal, tassew,
fost nies imdallma, tassew,
kien għadu kmieni, tassew.

Mas-slaten barranin, bla xejn mistħija,
Hu sostna l-jedd li Malta tkun Maltija,
u b’ilsienna ta’ Maltin,
riedna kollha magħqudin,
ħa nkunu poplu, tassew,
li jaħseb b’rasu, tassew,
li jfassal triqtu, tassew.

Illum għaddiet il-ħakma barranija,
ninsabu lkoll ħelsin f’Malta Maltija,
imma l-għaqda bejn xulxin,
għada nieqsa fil-Maltin,
għax għalkemm ħielsa, tassew,
m’aħniex magħquda, tassew,
m’aħniex Maltija, tassew.

Dal-lejl fil-ħolm iltqajt mal-kbir Vassalli,
li b’leħen ta’ ċanfir ġie fuqi w qalli,
“Għaliex għadkom mifrudin?
Ma tafux li sar il-ħin,
li tkunu ħielsa, tassew,
tkunu magħquda, tassew,
tkunu Maltija, tassew?

Suffragette's Song

Suffragette's Song lyrics

We are the suffragettes
Think you know some fierce girls?
You ain't heard nothing yet

A lass called Milli Fawcett founder of our cause,
Started the battle for our rights
Argued the government to change the laws
Here is how she stated our plight
How comes girls can't vote for rules
That we have to obey?
When we work and pay taxes too!
Parliament's reaction was "Oh do go away!"
How dare they diss the suffrage crew?

Suffragettes sing
We're gonna do this thing
Peaceful protests started in 1903
Got no reaction, needed drastic action
Got a new leader, Emmeline Pankhurst, that's me

Burst into parliament shouting "Votes for women"
Actions that were shocking and new
Chained ourselves to palace gates
Tension was brimming, on the WSPU
Burned down churches, smashed up shops, attacked MPs the result we were thrown in jail
This made us more determined as you'll come to see
Think we'd give up fighting? Hey, fail!

Suffragettes sing
together we can win
In prison we protested and went on hunger strike
Men still said no, but we just said yo!
You won't stop us now
Miss Davidson please take the mic

We became more extreme, Derby Day, June 13
In front of king and queen
Committed sacrifice supreme
Crept unseen between the teaming
Crowds watching the race
And threw myself under a horse
to try and make our case
Became a famous martyr, how did men react?
"We can't give women votes if they're so stupid they'll do that!"

Seemed our cause was lost
when world war came along
Our suffragette reaction
was to wave our protests goodbye, farewell, so long
To patriotic action
Put down our banners saying give us votes
Instead supported the men's fight
Want to help them win the war
So guess what they said?
"Okay ladies, you were right!"

Suffragettes sing
We done it ding-ding,
At last those men see
They should treat us the same
So all take note now women can vote
And it's thanks to those who fought
in the suffragette name.

Homework for 13.4.2012

Stilel p 6 eż B 
        p 7
Maths handout

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The basics of mental maths

Multiplying by 11, mentally

This short video shows a very easy trick to multiply 2-digit numbers by 11.  It also shows how to multiply 3-digit numbers by 11.  This is slightly more difficult, but with some practice it becomes easy as well.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Dan hu l-video tad-diska 3rs.  Fil-lezzjonijiet tal-Istudju Soċjali ser inkomlu nitkellmu fuq is-separazzjoni tal-iskart u l-ambjent.

Chitty chitty bang bang

This is another great classic - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  I'm sure you'll love it.

The film starts from part 2, but then continues to the end.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mary Poppins

Mr. and Mrs. Banks are too busy with their work to take care of their two children, Jane and Michael. They therefore need a nanny to take care of of them. The two siblings are however quite mischievous, and every nanny their parents employ soon quits her job.... Every nanny except Mary Poppins...

This is a fascinating film. I'm sure you will enjoy it.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Il-Passjoni ta' Gesu, skont San Gwann

Dan hu r-rakkont tal-passjoni skont San Gwann - minn sitt ijiem qabel l-Għid saż-żmien li Ġesu' għamel jidher lill-Appostli wara l-qawmien tiegħu mill-mewt. B'differenza tal-maġġoranza tal-filma l-oħra fuq il-ħajja ta' Ġesu', dan il-film juża' l-kliem eżatt mill-evanġelju ta' San Ġwann.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

Musical instruments

Following today's visit at St. George's Band Club, you can watch this short video in Bleeckie discovers the different musical instruments which are played in an orchestra. Some of the musical intruments are different from the ones we have seen today, but others are exactly the same.

Homework for 3.4.2012

Maths handout
Read for 30 mins

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Back to school in Libya

This is a very interesting article on how life in Libyan schools is changing, now that Muammar Ghaddafi and his family does not control Libya any longer.

Children of the rainforest

I have come across this article on on how life is changing for people in the Amazon forest. We have mentioned this topic some time ago in class, so I thought it would interest you. What I like about this contribution is that the reporter interviews children and adolescents who are slightly older than you. In fact, the whole article and is built on the views expressed by some of the children who live in a village in the Amazon.
You can read the article or view the video, or both.