Saturday, March 31, 2012
Winnie the witch
Ben Hur

This a new version of the epic film 'Ben Hur'. The film is in English but the subtitles are in Spanish.
This is not a true story. It is set in Jerusalem, during the time when Jesus Christ was still alive. The main characters are Judah Ben Hur and Messala Judah comes from a wealthy Jewish family while Messala comes from a Roman family. The two have been very good friends since they were children. When they grow up, Judah becomes a wealthy merchant while Messala becomes a Roman general.
On a particular day, while a parade of Roman soldiers was passing in front of the Ben Hur's house, a tile accidentally fell off their facade and almost killed a Roman general. Although Messala knew it was an accident, he sent Judah as a slave on board a military ship while his mother and sister were sent to life in prison.
Through good fortune, Judah manages to free himself from slavery and returns to Jerusalem to have his revenge against Messala and free his mother and sister. Does he manage to have his revenge? Does he manage to liberate his beloved mother and sister? What does Jess has got to do with all this?
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Talb ghal waqt il-quddiesa tad-Duluri
Dawn huma t-talb li ser taqraw għada. Għada filgħodu, jien u Mr. Gafa', niddeċiedu min ser jaqra. Nippruvaw nagħżlu tfal li jafu jaqraw sew u li ma tantx qraw f'okkażżjonijiet speċjali.
Talb ta’ Mahfra
1. Ħniena Ġesu’ ta’ kemm-il darba minflok ma għenna lil ħaddieħor. Konna aħna stess li ġibna t-tbatija fuq ħaddieħor. Mulej Ħniena
2. Ġesu’ ħniena ta’ kemm-il darba nsejna ngħidulek grazzi tal-affarijiet sbieħ u tajbin li tajtna. Kristu Ħniena
3. O Ġesu’ ħniena ta’ kemm-il darba għajjarna lil ħaddieħor b’xi ħaġa, li aħna konna nafu li jieħdu għalihom biha. Mulej Ħniena
Talb tal-Fidili
1. Nixtiequ nitolbuk Ġesu’ għal dawk it-tfal li qed ibagħtu jew għax huma bla ġenituri, jew għax xi ħadd, b’qalbu ħażina, qed iġegħilhom ibagħtu. Nitolbu. Ismagħna nitolbuk Mulej.
2. Ġesu’ għin lil ġenituri tat-tfal ta’ l-iskola tagħna, speċjalment dawk li huma ‘l-bogħod minnek. Agħmel li huma jindunaw kemm inti tħobbna u kemm hi ħaġa sabiħa li jsiru jħobbuk. Nitolbu. Ismagħna nitolbuk Mulej.
3. Nitolbuk Ġesu’ għall-morda kollha. Agħmel li huma jħarsu lejk u ommok Marija, u jindunaw li qabilhom, int ukoll batejt bla ħtija. Nitolbu. Ismagħna nitolbuk Mulej.
Talba lil Gesu’ Imsallab
Hawn jien, o Ġesu’ maħbub tiegħi,
mixħut quddiem il-preżenza tiegħek,
nitolbok bl-akbar ħrara
li tnissel fil-qalb tiegħi
sentimenti ta’ fidi, ta’ tama, ta’ mħabba,
ta’ ndiema kbira ta’ dnubieti u ta’ fehma sħiħa
li ma noffendik qatt iżjed;
fil-waqt li bl-imħabba u l-ħniena kollha
sejjer inġib quddiem għajnejja
il-ħames pjagi tiegħek,
nibda minn dak li qal fuqek
il-qaddis profeta David:
“Nifduli jdejja u riġlejja,
u għaddewli għadmi kollu.”
Talb ta’ Mahfra
1. Ħniena Ġesu’ ta’ kemm-il darba minflok ma għenna lil ħaddieħor. Konna aħna stess li ġibna t-tbatija fuq ħaddieħor. Mulej Ħniena
2. Ġesu’ ħniena ta’ kemm-il darba nsejna ngħidulek grazzi tal-affarijiet sbieħ u tajbin li tajtna. Kristu Ħniena
3. O Ġesu’ ħniena ta’ kemm-il darba għajjarna lil ħaddieħor b’xi ħaġa, li aħna konna nafu li jieħdu għalihom biha. Mulej Ħniena
Talb tal-Fidili
1. Nixtiequ nitolbuk Ġesu’ għal dawk it-tfal li qed ibagħtu jew għax huma bla ġenituri, jew għax xi ħadd, b’qalbu ħażina, qed iġegħilhom ibagħtu. Nitolbu. Ismagħna nitolbuk Mulej.
2. Ġesu’ għin lil ġenituri tat-tfal ta’ l-iskola tagħna, speċjalment dawk li huma ‘l-bogħod minnek. Agħmel li huma jindunaw kemm inti tħobbna u kemm hi ħaġa sabiħa li jsiru jħobbuk. Nitolbu. Ismagħna nitolbuk Mulej.
3. Nitolbuk Ġesu’ għall-morda kollha. Agħmel li huma jħarsu lejk u ommok Marija, u jindunaw li qabilhom, int ukoll batejt bla ħtija. Nitolbu. Ismagħna nitolbuk Mulej.
Talba lil Gesu’ Imsallab
Hawn jien, o Ġesu’ maħbub tiegħi,
mixħut quddiem il-preżenza tiegħek,
nitolbok bl-akbar ħrara
li tnissel fil-qalb tiegħi
sentimenti ta’ fidi, ta’ tama, ta’ mħabba,
ta’ ndiema kbira ta’ dnubieti u ta’ fehma sħiħa
li ma noffendik qatt iżjed;
fil-waqt li bl-imħabba u l-ħniena kollha
sejjer inġib quddiem għajnejja
il-ħames pjagi tiegħek,
nibda minn dak li qal fuqek
il-qaddis profeta David:
“Nifduli jdejja u riġlejja,
u għaddewli għadmi kollu.”
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Kant ghall-quddiesa tad-Duluri

Dawn huma il-kanzunetti li ser inkantaw nhar il-Ġimgħa waqt il-Quddiesa tad-Duluri. Aktar ma tiffamiljariżżaw ruħkom magħhom, aktar aħjar. Ovvjament, dakinhar ser ikollna karta bil-kliem għat-tfal kollha. Min għada nibdew nipprattikawhom fil-klassi.
Jista' xi ħadd: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk6NdPcwoO8&feature=related
Bil-Qawwa ta' Imħabbtek: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VegcXlD3tGQ
Wieqfa taħt is-salib: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urtsOkwjQVY&feature=related
Give Thanks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAo2iZ9vWHg
Friday, March 23, 2012
The Magic of Life
Piku, a young boy who loves exploring and is always upto some mischief! But one day he has a dream that changes him forever.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Solar storm passes by Earth without causing problems

Last week Sharon told us about the sun storm which was expected to reach us and cause some problems. What follows is a report on this sun storm. The picture above shows the spectacular Northern Lights which are mentioned in the article.
A solar storm that was worrying scientists has passed by Earth without causing problems. Experts say the storm had little effect, with only some planes having to change route around polar regions.
Some had been worried that the solar activity would cause big problems for power grids and satellites. But instead it did mean that certain places in the world, like Canada and northern Europe, saw great displays of the Northern Lights in the sky.
The solar storm - travelling at some 1,300km per second - began arriving at Earth on Thursday morning, after the two strong solar flares (explosions) were released from the Sun. These solar flares are becoming more common because the Sun is approaching the peak of its regular 11-year cycle of activity. It's expected to reach its peak of solar activity in late 2013, from when the flares will gradually die down once again.
Copied from http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/17313486
Little Red Riding Hood...as told by Roald Dahl
The Pro-Bot Challenge

I hope you enjoyed programming the Pro-Bot.
I'm very pleased with the way most of you tried hard to solve the challenges I presented you. Though, I have to say that some of you still need to learn how to work in groups.
This short video was produced by a group of pupils, of roughly your age, who have done a project similar to the one we have just completed.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Dawn huma r-ritratti li ħa s-Sur Gambin waqt il-mixja li għamilna nhar il-Ġimgħa li għaddiet. Vera li għajjejna, imma l-vera ħadna gost.
N.B. Ħallu l-volum tal-ispiekers mixgħulin.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Making a Sundae
Now that the weather is getting hotter, nothing beats a delicious, refreshing Sundae. You can either buy it or make it yourself.
Click on the link below if you want to learn how to make it and then write about it in the comments section.
Click on the link below if you want to learn how to make it and then write about it in the comments section.
Schoolchildren die in coach crash in Switzerland

A coach has crashed in Switzerland and killed at least 28 people - 22 of them children.
Kids from two schools had been travelling home to Belgium, after a skiing holiday in the Swiss Alps.
It looks like the coach smashed into a tunnel wall on Tuesday night. 24 other kids were hurt and have been taken to hospital.
Belgium's Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo said: "This is a tragic day for all of Belgium."
Helicopters helped to take the injured to hospital
An investigation has begun into what caused the crash to happen.
It's believed the two drivers - who were both killed - had rested before the journey, the tunnel wasn't busy with traffic, and driving conditions were normal.
Serious crashes like this happen very rarely, which is why this one comes as such a shock.
Kids from two schools had been travelling home to Belgium, after a skiing holiday in the Swiss Alps.
It looks like the coach smashed into a tunnel wall on Tuesday night. 24 other kids were hurt and have been taken to hospital.
Belgium's Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo said: "This is a tragic day for all of Belgium."
Helicopters helped to take the injured to hospital
An investigation has begun into what caused the crash to happen.
It's believed the two drivers - who were both killed - had rested before the journey, the tunnel wasn't busy with traffic, and driving conditions were normal.
Serious crashes like this happen very rarely, which is why this one comes as such a shock.
This article was copied from http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/17364442
Sunday, March 18, 2012
An interview with Lionel Messi

Lionel Messi has talked to the children's station CBBC. This is the report on this interview.
Barcelona star Lionel Messi has picked out Sergio Aguero, Wayne Rooney and Robin van Persie as the three Premier League stars he admires the most.
Speaking to CBBC's Match of the Day Kickabout, the Argentine genius said: "There are several quality players in the Premier League at the moment.
"Kun Aguero, who is my friend and I really like how he plays; Rooney [and] van Persie who, at the moment, are playing really well.
"They are great players," he says.
Speaking to CBBC's Match of the Day Kickabout, the Argentine genius said: "There are several quality players in the Premier League at the moment.
"Kun Aguero, who is my friend and I really like how he plays; Rooney [and] van Persie who, at the moment, are playing really well.
"They are great players," he says.
'Hates' comparisons
Messi goes on to say he hates being compared to other players and doesn't think he's similar to anyone else in the world.
"I think each player has his own playing style.
"Because we are all different, no one player is the same as another. Not me, or any other player - in any team you can think of."
Messi goes on to say he hates being compared to other players and doesn't think he's similar to anyone else in the world.
"I think each player has his own playing style.
"Because we are all different, no one player is the same as another. Not me, or any other player - in any team you can think of."
The best he's played alongside?
Unsurprisingly, Messi found the question of who's the best player he's ever played with, difficult to answer.
"I have been lucky to always have really good team-mates. I was to lucky to play with Ronaldinho, with Deco, with Eto'o, and nowadays with Xavi, Iniesta, Cesc [Fabregas].
"It's very difficult to pick one. The truth is, all those players are spectacular and I was lucky to play with them, to experience that, to train with them, play with them - it was wonderful."
Unsurprisingly, Messi found the question of who's the best player he's ever played with, difficult to answer.
"I have been lucky to always have really good team-mates. I was to lucky to play with Ronaldinho, with Deco, with Eto'o, and nowadays with Xavi, Iniesta, Cesc [Fabregas].
"It's very difficult to pick one. The truth is, all those players are spectacular and I was lucky to play with them, to experience that, to train with them, play with them - it was wonderful."
Changing his game
Messi says he's had to develop his game from youth level and become much more of a team player.
"[When I was 12] the truth is... I would get the ball and never pass it. But I'd try and make everyone to pass to me so I could score. I was a bit like that."
Messi says he's had to develop his game from youth level and become much more of a team player.
"[When I was 12] the truth is... I would get the ball and never pass it. But I'd try and make everyone to pass to me so I could score. I was a bit like that."
This interview was taken from http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/17372191

Sophie is an orphan who lives in an orphanage. Once, she woke up in the middle of the night, and from her window, she notices a giant walking in the street. He is carrying a suitcase and big trumpet. From behind her curtain, the orphan girl watches the giant open the suitcase, take out a glass bottle filled with some magical liquid, pour this liquid inside his trumpet and blow it inside houses.
Sophie was not hidden very well because the giant saw her looking at him, kidnapped her and took her to her cave.
It turned out that the giant was not cruel after all. He was a BFG - Big Friendly Giant!
Watch the magical animated film, based on the story written by Roal Dahl.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Alice in Wonderland

Alice was in the garden, when she suddenly saw a most unsual rabbit. It was carrying a large watch, an umbrella and was wearing clothes. To her astonishment, it could also talk! She was as curious as a cat, so without thinking twice, she followed him.
This was the begining of Alice's extraordinary adventures in Wonderland.....
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Il-Mantell ta' Superman

Darba waħda kont waħdi, għax ommi kienet xogħol u l-papa’ mar il-banda. Jien ma kelliex x’ nagħmel għalhekk qbadt niftaħ xi kaxxi antiki. F’ daqqa u l-ħin sibt kostum ta’ Superman.
Il-mantell ta’ Superman kien aħmar. Kien fih forma ta’ trijanglu bil-maqlub, ta’ lewn safrani, waqt li fin-nofs kien fih l-ittra ‘S’ kbira. Jien qbadt u ppruvajtu. Bdejt inħares lejn il-mera u ndunajt li kien jiġini bl-eżatt. Bdejt inħossni b’ saħħti u bdew jabżuli l-muskoli. Ippruvat intir, imma waqajt mal-art . Madankollu ma qtajtx qalbi erġajt ippruvajt mill-ġdid. Din id-darba bdejt naħbat ġol-ħitan u wara ħbatt ġol-bozza u kissirtha, imma ma ħadtx xokk. Imbagħad ħbatt ġol-gwardarobba u wara ħbatt ġol-ħajt. Wara ftit ħbit mhux ħażin, irnexxieli nikkontrolla l-mantell ta’ Superman u mort intir barra.
Ħassejtni ferħan ser intir! Hekk kif neħħejtu minn fuqi mort niġri ngħid lil ommi b’dak kollu li kien ġrali. Qatt ma għaddieli minn moħħi li kelli ngħaddi minn esperjenza bħal din!
Il-mantell ta’ Superman kien aħmar. Kien fih forma ta’ trijanglu bil-maqlub, ta’ lewn safrani, waqt li fin-nofs kien fih l-ittra ‘S’ kbira. Jien qbadt u ppruvajtu. Bdejt inħares lejn il-mera u ndunajt li kien jiġini bl-eżatt. Bdejt inħossni b’ saħħti u bdew jabżuli l-muskoli. Ippruvat intir, imma waqajt mal-art . Madankollu ma qtajtx qalbi erġajt ippruvajt mill-ġdid. Din id-darba bdejt naħbat ġol-ħitan u wara ħbatt ġol-bozza u kissirtha, imma ma ħadtx xokk. Imbagħad ħbatt ġol-gwardarobba u wara ħbatt ġol-ħajt. Wara ftit ħbit mhux ħażin, irnexxieli nikkontrolla l-mantell ta’ Superman u mort intir barra.
Ħassejtni ferħan ser intir! Hekk kif neħħejtu minn fuqi mort niġri ngħid lil ommi b’dak kollu li kien ġrali. Qatt ma għaddieli minn moħħi li kelli ngħaddi minn esperjenza bħal din!
Mark Bezzina
L-Assedju l-Kbir
Dan hu dokumentarju, bl-Ingliz, fuq l-Assedju l-Kbir tal-1565. Ħafna mix-xeni huma rreċtati - dak iż-żmien la kellhom kamera tar-ritratti u lanqas vidjo, imma xorta jagħtukom ideja tajba ta' kif kienu jilbsu dak iż-żmien u x'kien ifisser tkun f'Malta dak iż-żmien.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012
It-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija

Waqt il-lezzjoni tal-Malti semmejna t-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija. Minħbba li d-dokumentarju li konna qed naraw ma stajniex inkomplu narawh, qed nippostjah hawnhekk.
Qiegħed fi 3 partijiet, allura biex ma titħawdux ippostjajthom hawnhekk taħt xulxin.
World War 2,
Idioms with 'all'

As I repeatedly tell you, idioms make your writings more interesting and colourful, and therefore your writing will stand out from the rest. This will definitely make your reader enjoy reading your writing, and therefore, in an exam, you will earn more pints.
Click on the link below and take note of the 7 idioms containing the world 'all, which the teacher explains.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Homework for 12.3.2012
NT2 p39
Practice book p50-53
M.M p 45 Tħġ 2, 3
Imaġina li inti dubbiena/nahla (140 kelma)
Practice book p50-53
M.M p 45 Tħġ 2, 3
Imaġina li inti dubbiena/nahla (140 kelma)
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
5 Children and It

This is the link to the film '5 children and it' which is based on the novel bearing the same title. It was written by the English female author, Edith Nesbit. We have mentioned it during our Maltese lesson, so I decided to post you a link today, instead of waiting for the weekend.
The video is divided in 9 parts. The link I have posted below takes you directly to part 1. At the end of part 1, find part 2 in the scroll bar situated on the right-hand side of your screen, and click on it. Keep on doing the same thing until you watch all the film.
You can either watch it all at one go, (after finishing your homework, revision and reading, of course!) or watch it along the week.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
The Jungle Book

My plan is to provide you with a link to a good film every weekend. Of course, you can always find your own films, as I'm sure some of you already do. However, the films I suggest to you are based on classic books.
The film I am proposing for this week is an animated film (cartoon). It is called 'The Jungle Book', which is based on the story written by Rudyard Kipling. The story is set in the Indian jungle, where a small boy, Mowgli, got lost and was brought up by a pack of wolves with the help of Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther.
I invite to go through the marvellous adventours Mowgli passed through, by clicking on the link below.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Thursday, March 1, 2012
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